About Us!

For the past 3 years, I have been preparing to do ministry full-time by serving in our church, working in counseling, and going to Rock River Christian College. I’ll be getting a Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies with a Minor in Ministry at the end of the year, and I’m looking forward to put all these in practice at the Koinonia House and UW-Madison’s campus.

On July, Justine and I welcomed our new son, Joshua. Gabriel and Zack (our two sons in the picture) are really happy with Joshua. Justine is looking forward to stay home with the kids and to help on the development of the Prayer Partner program and the women’s ministry at the campus.

What I love about ministry is to be part of the miracles that God makes in people’s lives. I love to see how God changes our hearts and how He repairs lives.

I believe God has called us to train disciples, to encourage the hurt, and to counsel the lost. This humbles me. Understanding that God, who created the heavens and the earth, wants to partner with me to do His work gets me every time. So, that is what I want to do: to partner with Him on evangelism, ministry, and discipleship, and that is what we will be doing at the Koinonia House and UW-Madison campus.