Sunday, June 20, 2010

Work Day @ the K-House

My back, legs, and arms still hurting, but we got the job done thanks to a great group of people.

In addition to JD, Jeremy and I, we have members of Westwood Church and Footville Church of Christ. (Thank you guys!)

We started around 9:00AM and finished around 3:30PM.

Here are some of the things that were accomplished!

We cleaned up and extended the parking lot. We took the weeds out, filled up the end of the parking lot with dirt, and finished it up with wood chips.

We power-washed the exterior of the K-House.

We cleaned up the inside too.

We did some landscaping!!!

We also did some organizing.

We did some cooking, eating, and fellowship...

But most importantly, we served God!!!!

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,

This fall, Justine and I will be following God’s call in our lives as we enter full time ministry. I am thrilled to be joining the staff of Wisconsin Christian Campus Ministries (WCCM) as a campus minister at UW-Madison and the Koinonia House.

Our church, Footville Church of Christ, has been very supportive throughout this new journey, and our elders will be setting me apart for this work in an ordination ceremony on June 27th at the church (117 Church Street, Footville, WI) after our regular service, which starts at 10:30 am.
I am writing you to invite you to come to the ordination ceremony, and to be part of this process. Let me tell you a little bit about where we have been and where God is taking us.

For the past 3 years, I have been preparing to do ministry full-time by serving in our church, working in counseling, and going to Rock River Christian College. I’ll be getting a Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies with a Minor in Ministry at the end of the year, and I’m looking forward to put all these in practice at the Koinonia House and UW-Madison’s campus.

Justine and I are about to welcome our new son, who is due this month. She is looking forward to stay home with the kids and to help on the development of the Prayer Partner program and the women’s ministry at the campus.

We are blessed with the opportunity to do this mission work without having to leave our friends, family, and church. What I love about ministry is to be part of the miracles that God makes in people’s lives. I love to see how God changes our hearts and how He repairs lives.

I believe God has called me to train disciples, to encourage the lost, and to counsel the hurt. This humbles me. Understanding that God, who created the heavens and the earth, wants to partner with me to do His work gets me every time. So, that is what I want to do: to partner with Him on evangelism, ministry, and discipleship, and that is what we will be doing at the Koinonia House and UW-Madison campus.

On campus, we will encounter many students from different walks of life, professions, and beliefs. We will focus on both, witnessing to the unchurched and providing help and encouragement to Christian students. Campus Ministry is similar to a contemporary church, except the focus is college students.

“The university is a clear-cut fulcrum with which to move the world.
Change the university and you change the world.”

- Dr. Charles Malik, President of the U.N. General Assembly

We believe that Dr. Malik is right, and God has called WCCM to partner with Him on doing just that. WCCM has been sharing the love of Christ on campus for the past 9 years. This love has changed leaders that have gone to influence their fields and communities.

Here are some of the ways we share the love of God with college students:

  • Weekly meetings involving worship, prayer, and teaching from the Bible.
  • Small Bible studies where students are encouraged to go deeper into the Word.
  • Retreats and Mission Trips, where student encounter God in different ways.
  • Praying meetings, conferences, and many other activities that fulfill the Great Commission.

We want to extend God’s invitation to us to you. Just like the apostle Paul invited the Philippians and the Corinthians to partner in God’s ministry through him, we want to invite you to partner with God through His ministry in UW-Madison. There are various ways you can do that:

  • Let us know of current or graduating students, so we can invite them to our meetings!
  • Join as a Prayer Partner; praying for our ministry, events, students, and staff; organizing or participating in prayer meetings; and/or asking others to pray for us.
  • Join as a Development Partner; helping us develop new partners; organizing or hosting events to introduce our ministry to others, like house parties, bible studies, etc…; and/or introducing us to others to partner with us.
  • Join as a Ministry Partner; getting involved with our frontline ministry; providing food for our meetings; volunteering to serve the students in different events; hosting dinners for the students, and/or any other way you may think of!
  • Join as a Steward to Student Partner; providing the financial support that allows us to continue ministering to the students. Every $40.00 per month commitment brings us 1% closer to our total budget, which includes: retreats, teaching tools, outreach events, and other vital things.
Please, join us on June 27th @ 10:30 AM for the ordination ceremony, and take the time to send us an e-mail at, let us know how God wants you to partner in His ministry!

Making Disciples who love God, love other, and serve the world,

Pastor Martin Reyes
Campus Minister @ UW-Madison

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